It’s budget season … again. How are your renewals looking for the software tools you use to run your business? More expensive than you expected?

Maybe it’s time to look beyond the usual suspects.

Maybe it’s time to look outside the industry and consider open-source alternatives that are often just as capable, if not more capable, than the industry-specific tools you’re used to seeing.

Not only do these tools integrate seamlessly, but they also build on each other in the same platform. You own the data, you can extend it in completely new ways when you’re ready, and you have the flexibility to move to another vendor if you’re not getting the support you need.

An example of what I mean would probably be helpful.

I put together this (not exhaustive) list to show tools and add-ons (called plugins) within the WordPress ecosystem that could replace the industry-specific tools you might be using today. I broke out the costs to show you the monthly and annual costs of these tools – and how those costs look when you start to multiply the investment across a portfolio of properties.

Take a look:

(You can grab a copy of the spreadsheet here.)

Yep, you’re reading that right. Even for a single property, you could potentially cover the cost of your entire tech stack with one unit’s rent.

And scaling up to just 20 properties (regardless of unit count), you could potentially replace a significant portion of your current tech stack for a grand total of $330/mo per property.


My guess is your current CRM alone probably costs more than that.

Now you know what’s possible … but *why* would you want to consider going this route instead of accepting the current industry menu items?

There are a number of key benefits to building your own custom software or developing with open-source tools compared to purchasing off-the-shelf solutions:

✅ Personalization and Customization

Custom software can be tailored specifically to your unique business needs and processes. This allows you to build in exactly the features and functionality you require, without unnecessary bloat. You have full control over the design and user experience to optimize it for your specific use case … rather than trying to work around some random feature that was added to appease another random client.

✅ Flexibility and Scalability

Custom and open-source solutions offer much greater flexibility to adapt and scale as your business grows and evolves. You can easily add new features or modify existing ones over time. With off-the-shelf software, you’re often locked into the vendor’s roadmap and limitations.

✅ Cost-Effectiveness

While the upfront investment may be higher in some areas, custom software can be more cost-effective in the long run. You avoid ongoing licensing fees and only pay for the features you actually need. Open-source solutions (including WordPress) are often free to use and modify.

✅ Integration Capabilities

Custom software can be built to seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and workflows. This improves efficiency and data flow across your organization. Off-the-shelf solutions can have limited integration options, whereas with your own system, you have a lot more options to pursue the exact integrations you want to see.

With the WordPress ecosystem, your developer (and other integration partners) can extend your system and open your data to strategic partners with the GraphQL and REST API tools (both free).

✅ Security and Control

With custom or open-source software, you have full visibility into the code and can implement robust security measures. You’re not reliant on an external vendor to address vulnerabilities. You also maintain control over your data and intellectual property.

✅ Innovation Potential

Building your own software allows you to innovate and differentiate your business. In a market that often feels like a giant sea of sameness, this can be a unique way to set your brand apart from the competition. You want to make customer experience your big differentiator? That’s harder to do when everyone’s customer experience is running on the same industry systems.

You’re also not constrained by the limitations of existing products or a future roadmap that doesn’t align with your goals. Open-source communities can also drive rapid innovation – there are thousands of other developers working to innovate on top of WordPress every day.

✅ Ownership and Independence

Custom software gives you full ownership and control over the product. You’re not dependent on external vendors, who may discontinue support, change pricing, or gatekeep your customer data for their own benefit.

You can modify and leverage the software however you see fit. While off-the-shelf solutions have their place, custom and open-source software development offers significant advantages in terms of flexibility, control, and alignment with your specific business needs. The ability to create a truly tailored solution can provide a strong competitive edge.

Do you have to use WordPress?

Of course not. You’re welcome to use whatever ecosystem best fits your team’s needs – there are lots of good ones out there.

I used WordPress as an example because we’ve used it for years and know it well. We also know it’s extremely flexible and well-supported. Plus, lots of end-users are already somewhat familiar with its capabilities and interface, so it helps reduce everyone’s learning curve.


Making the switch to open-source software isn’t just about cutting costs; it’s about empowering your business with flexibility, control, and a future that’s truly yours to shape.

As we’ve shown, platforms like WordPress and similar open-source ecosystems offer the freedom to personalize, scale, and evolve your tech stack without being tethered to vendors’ limitations and licensing fees.

With full control over data, security, and innovation potential, you’re investing in a solution that grows with your business, not around it. By choosing open-source, you’re not only saving budget—you’re building a foundation that supports agility, independence, and lasting competitive advantage.

Why settle for the standard when you can build something extraordinary? The tools are out there, and so is the potential to make them work for you.

Ready to take your apartment marketing and customer experience to the next level? Whether it’s a new property website or an entirely new way to reach your ideal renter, 30 Lines and the RentPress team are here to help.

Reach out to us today for a zero-obligation discussion about your business.